重交通道路石油瀝青檢測GB/T 15180-2010
| 更新時間 2024-11-22 08:15:00 價格 1000元 / 個 報告用途 質量評價 樣品量 500毫升 檢測周期 5個工作日 聯系電話 15915704209 聯系手機 13620111183 聯系人 李工 立即詢價 |
鑒聯檢測有良好的內部機制,優良的工作環境以及良好的激勵機制,由一批高素質、高水平、高效率的人才組成,擁有完善的技術研發力量、專 業的實驗設備和成熟的售后服務團隊。在檢驗檢測領域有著豐富經驗,擁有許多種檢測手段,覆蓋金屬材料、有機分析,無機分析,儀器分析等檢測手段。熟悉現行的GB/ISO/JIS/STMA/EN/DIN/BS/GOST等國內外先進的技術標準,掌握著新的檢測方法。并與多家權 威檢測認證機構保持長期緊密合作關系,由鑒聯檢測出具的檢測報告得到眾多國際機構認可,我們有能力為客戶提供一站式解決檢測問題的解決方案。
The 2018 Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) annual meeting was held in the United State from September 22nd to 26th, CNPC President Zhang Jianhua attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
Mr.Zhang declared the transparency and reliability of CNPC's public disclosure of its carbon emission status. He emphasized that as China's largest energy company, CNPC attaches great importance to greenhouse gas emissions and has established a reportable, traceable and verifiable statistical system based on China's accounting standards and OGCI's accounting routine. An independent third-party certifier is introduced to verify the authenticity of the information released. Mr.Zhang also stated that CNPC recognizes the import role of CCUS in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and he proposed to establish a development mechanism for CCUS industry, policy and multilateral cooperation institutions under the auspices of the United Nations.
During the meeting, Mr.Zhang compared notes with representatives of OGCI members including BP, Shell, Total and Saudi Aramco on issues such as climate change, energy transition, methane reduction, and CCUS. He witnessed the signing of the Framework Agreement on China's Climate Investment Fund. The China's Climate Investment Fund is committed to promoting the research, demonstration and promotion of low-carbon technologies and business models, connecting capital markets and China's carbon market, and exploring opportunities of low-carbon transition for the oil industry.
- 電 話:15915704209
- 工程師:李工
- 手 機:13620111183
- 微 信:A15915704209