有機物固體粉末 未知物成分析
| 更新時間 2024-11-22 08:15:00 價格 1000元 / 個 報告用途 配方還原、成分剖析 樣品量 150g 檢測周期 10個工作日 聯系電話 15915704209 聯系手機 13620111183 聯系人 李工 立即詢價 |
? 助劑產品:紡織、皮革助劑(柔軟劑、勻染劑、整理劑等);電鍍(鋅、銅、鉻、鎳、貴重金屬)助劑(前處理添加劑、光亮劑、輔助光亮劑等);塑料和橡膠制品助劑(增塑劑、抗氧劑、阻燃劑、光和熱穩定劑、發泡劑、填充劑、抗靜電劑等);涂料助劑(乳化劑、潤濕分散劑、消泡劑、阻燃劑等);線路板制造化學品助劑;電子助焊劑;陶瓷助劑;鋁合金表面處理助劑;其它精細化工助劑
? 油墨產品:墨水,感光油墨等
? 化妝品:洗發、護發用品、護膚用品、美容用品、口腔衛生制品等
? 香精、香料
? 表面活性劑、民用和工業用清洗劑
? 有機溶劑: 油漆稀釋劑,天那水,脫漆劑,電子、紡織、印刷行業用溶劑
? 水處理劑:緩蝕劑、混凝劑和絮凝劑、阻垢劑等
? 石油化學品:潤滑油,切削液等
? 氣霧劑、光亮劑、殺蟲劑、脫模劑、致冷劑、空氣清新劑等
? 高分子材料
? 其它化工產品
On January 11, CNPC and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. CNPC Chairman Wang Yilin and CASC Chairman Lei Fanpei had a meeting before the signing ceremony.
According to the agreement, CNPC and CASC will collaborate in petroleum and petrochemical equipment, information technology, energy conservation and environmental protection, and technical research and development, and explore new approaches and patterns for the integrative development of the aerospace industry and the oil industry. Special attention will be given to the development of internet of things in oil and gas-related energy saving and environmental protection, oil and gas production and engineering technology, and to emergency communication, and enterprise informatization. The two sides will also reinforce the exchanges of key technologies, promote product R&D and industrial upgrading, and step up joint efforts in talent cultivation and information sharing.
- 電 話:15915704209
- 工程師:李工
- 手 機:13620111183
- 微 信:A15915704209